November 3, 2015


Students on this program are relying on the following core readings to get them started on their research and exploration.

Edward Soja, “Introduction” and “Putting Cities First,” from Postmetropolis

Jacob Riis, excerpt from How the Other Half Lives

99% Invisible podcast, “Good Egress”

Betty Smith, excerpt from A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Jane Jacobs, Chapters 1-3 of The Death and Life of Great American Cities

Excerpts from The Gentrification Debates (ed. Japonica Brown-Saracino) — seminal essays by Ruth Glass, Neil Smith, Sharon Zukin, Loretta Lees, and Richard Florida

Marshall Berman, “In the Forest of Symbols: Some Notes on Modernism in New York,” from All That is Solid Melts into Air

Teju Cole, Chapters 1-4 of Open City

Andrea Elliott, New York Times “Invisible Child” series